Recreating shadow art of "The Evolution" inside the sagada cave connection
Recreating shadow art of "The Evolution" inside the sagada cave connection

Discover Hidden Depths: Sagada Cave Connection Trek

Discover the Thrills of Sagada Cave Connection

Embark on an exhilarating adventure through the Sagada cave connection, which begins at Lumiang Cave and leads to Sumaguing Cave. This spelunking journey offers approximately four to six hours of exploration, filled with activities such as climbing, crawling, rappelling, and marveling at the stunning rock formations along the way. Prepare for an unforgettable experience as you navigate through the intricate network of caves and discover the natural wonders hidden within.

Start of adventure

Path leading to Lumiang Cave
Path leading to Lumiang Cave
Alejandro, Hanah, Alex, and Jasper heading towards Lumiang Cave
Alejandro, Hanah, Alex, and Jasper heading towards Lumiang Cave
The entrance to Lumiang Cave
The entrance to Lumiang Cave

Essential Tips for Sagada Cave Connection Adventure

Ensure a safe and enjoyable experience by following these essential tips for your Sagada cave connection adventure:

  1. Hire a tour guide from the Sagada Genuine Guide Association for expert guidance and navigation.
  2. Wear footwear with a sturdy grip, such as hiking shoes or sneakers. Flip flops may suffice for some parts of the journey.
  3. Protect your electronic devices by bringing a dry bag for your camera or a zip lock bag for your mobile phone.
  4. Dress in comfortable attire suitable for climbing, crawling, and rappelling through the caves.
  5. Equip yourself with a reliable headlight, although your tour guide will provide a gas lamp.
  6. Note that the adventure may not be suitable for young children.
  7. Follow the instructions and guidance of your tour guide at all times for a safe and fulfilling experience.
Humans skulls and bones at Lumiang Cave
Humans skulls and bones at Lumiang Cave

Explore Lumiang Cave

Discover the wonders of Lumiang Cave, where adventure meets history and natural beauty. At the cave entrance, you’ll encounter the Lumiang Burial site, featuring pine coffins that serve as a testament to ancient traditions. Exercise respect and refrain from touching the remains, honoring the sanctity of the place.

Hanah, Alex, Nathaniel, and Jasper exploring Lumiang Cave
Hanah, Alex, Nathaniel, and Jasper exploring Lumiang Cave

Inside Lumiang Cave, narrow paths and smaller chambers await, offering a thrilling spelunking experience. Navigate through crawl spaces and rappel downwards under the guidance of your tour guide, who will assist you every step of the way.

Marvel at the magnificent rock formations that adorn the cave’s interior, providing ample opportunities for captivating photos. Trust your tour guide to lead you to the best spots for memorable snapshots. Immerse yourself in the enchanting realm of Lumiang Cave and create lasting memories of your underground adventure.

Explore the Wonders of Sumaguing Cave

Jasper, Hanah, Alex, and Nathaniel exploring Sumaguing Cave
Jasper, Hanah, Alex, and Nathaniel exploring Sumaguing Cave
Our shadow artwork titled 'The Eyes'
Our shadow artwork titled ‘The Eyes’

When visiting Sumaguing Cave, it’s crucial to respect the environment and avoid vandalism, as evidenced by unfortunate graffiti on the walls. While exploring, be mindful of the presence of bats and exercise caution around dangerous cliffs.

Sumaguing Cave boasts the largest chamber among all Sagada caves, adorned with an abundance of mesmerizing stalagmites and stalactites. However, this activity may not be suitable for those with a fear of the dark or confined spaces.

Ray of light at the back (Alejandro>our guide and Jasper)
Ray of light at the back (Alejandro>our guide and Jasper)
Sumaguing Cave (Hanah posing at the "Pregnant Women" rock formation)
Sumaguing Cave (Hanah posing at the “Pregnant Women” rock formation)

Inside the cave, marvel at awe-inspiring rock formations such as the “Pregnant Women,” “King’s Curtain,” and “Shark Teeth.” Be prepared to walk barefoot in some areas, navigating slippery limestone terrain with the assistance of ropes for safety.

Jasper, Alex, Nathaniel, and Hanah at "King's curtain" in Sumaguing Cave
Jasper, Alex, Nathaniel, and Hanah at “King’s curtain” in Sumaguing Cave

Your tour guide will not only ensure your safety but also provide ample opportunities for incredible photoshoots. With their guidance, you’ll crawl through wet passageways to reach magnificent views, even in near-freezing water. Immerse yourself in the wonder of Sumaguing Cave and capture unforgettable memories of your underground adventure.

The Sagada cave connection adventure was a bit tiring but incredibly fun. I’m grateful to Hanah for convincing me to embark on this caving activity.

Returning to our hostel in Sagada on foot
Going back to our hostel
Sagada Cave Connection Adventure

For further information about Sagada, feel free to visit the Sagada Tourism Facebook Page. Discover more about this captivating destination and stay updated on the latest news and events.


Embarking on the Sagada Cave Connection trek as a first-time spelunker has been an unforgettable adventure. Navigating through Lumiang to Sumaguing’s caverns revealed breathtaking wonders, leaving me in awe of nature’s beauty. It’s an experience that sparked a newfound love for exploration and a desire to uncover more hidden depths in the future.

Hey Adventurers! Explored Sagada Cave Connection? Drop a comment with your highlights or tips.

Discover Hidden Depths Sagada Cave Connection Trek generated pin 528
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Nathaniel Amoyen is co-founder of Joanathx. Full-time ex-pat worker at day and writer at night.

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3 Responses

  1. Sarrah Cea says:

    We did this Spelunking in Sagada for almost 5 hours. I am not adventurous and I am scared of darkness and heights. With tears, muscle pain and dehydration, I finished this adventure as a stronger person.

  2. Wow! This looks like such an amazing cave to explore! Love it!

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